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tv   ABC 7 News at 5PM  ABC  September 7, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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the end of the month. most of the officers who showed up here today to see him in court could not see him. he was kept behind glass. but the media could. what we saw was a suspect who clearly noticed that this sea of blue sitting in the courtroom nearly half of the department showed up. almost all of them on their own time. one by one, officers filed into the courtroom, their chief in the front row. >> i don't consider it a show of force. i consider it solidarity. officers are here to support todd. >> officer todd yungs remains in an induce comba, barrientos wore a red jump sult, his hands shackled for appearance in front of the judge. investigators say he admitted shooting young as police attempted to serve a warrant. he said he did not know he was a cop. >> it's not true.
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we'll prove knit court. it's not true. >> whether this turns out to be intentional shooting of a police officer or a tragic misunderstanding on the streets of oakland remains to be seen. >> barrintos family left without commenting. >> i don't want this to be misconstrued as if we don't have faith in the district attorney. it's not true. we're just here to show our support for todd. >> officer young faces more surgery the outpouring of support also overwhelmed local blood banks. the red cross had tochl tend hours to meet demands. >> they have a face now to connect with the need for blood and they want to help. >> and they are. through blood donations and warm wishes. written in hundreds of get well cards, many from people who never met officer young like this person. he simply wrote it's distressing you're imperiled in the line of duty in my
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hometown of oakland. now, officer young is expected to remain in the hospital for at least another two weeks and needs possibly two to three surgeries so this call for blood is there. the red cross is hosting a blood drive in his honor. we have all of the details for that blood drive on our web site. reporting from oakland abc 7 news. >> thank you very much. and after five days of scouring a pittsburgh landfill, investigators have not fund signs of a missing hercules man. crews began sifting through garbage in a one acre section of the canyon landfill friday. it may take another day or owe so to complete. they're looking for a body of frederick salas. authorities believe he may be a fifth victim of a murder spree. the chp killed him falling a high-speed chase. >> police are looking for a
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high school senior who slashed another student as school is getting underway. police say the 17-year-old was cut several times in the face and neck with what they believe is a pocketknife. a spokesperson thinks the victim and suspect may have argued over the weekend. the suspect also stole $3 from the victim. he was treated at the hospital and released. >> in i had x news, a charter school in san francisco will combine online instruction with a traditional teacher in the classroom approach. and we take a look at the new school and is here to explain how goitsing to work. >> there is educators saying haftful public schools will be partly online in the next decade or two. we mean students following cirriculum on computer that, is what flex academy set out to do this morning. this is california's first hybrid school.
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80% of the instruction taught online. remaining 20 in a pretra decisional classroom. students are expected to show up here five days per week from 8:00 to 3:00. >> it's i guess everybody getting to focus on their own lesson plan. it just so happened my daughter wanted social saigs. -- socialization. it was an easy decision for us. >> reporter: this morning, it was time to get acquainted. if this looks like a hotel conference room, well, it is. classes started today at the st. francis hotel in downtown san francisco. of course the st. francis is only a temporary location for them. this will be the new home for the new school. the old press club on poe street. the building should available in two weeks with plenty of classrooms and space for the nearly 50 students so far enrolled at flex academy. students will have a k 12
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cirriculum, use bid many kids who are home schooled. that cirriculum offers 130 courses including five languages. it's school at your own pace with individual wallized attention. >> so if you're behind, you get more help so you can succeed, if you're very advanced and fast, you can go faster and that can different in different suspects. >> cruise is one of only four teachers hired by the school. >> this is up to them to sort of get through material. i provide support when i think it's something difficult. >> at the old school there are about 40 kids to a classroom. pretty overcrowded. it's just teachers really didn't have enough time for students. >> like any other charter school, they're funded by the state. by the way they do get computers tomorrow. now, though the school is located in san francisco, any student in the bay area can enroll. it's like i said before, there is nearly 50 students they hope to enroll 200 this
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semester. cheryl? >> very excited. thank you very much. and this future of three richmond schools will be decided tonight by city council. city officials say closing kennedy skmi two other schools in richmond would save the west contra costa school district $1.5 million. possible closure affecting about 900 students and thousands from nearly schools. one counsel member dounts a potential source of money to keep schools open, richmond reach aid settlement with chevron over 15 years. >> bart plan to build an elevated tram between oakland international airport and the coliseum station come under attack today. the transportation group called trance form stage aid rally against the project. that is before tomorrow's metropolitan transportation commission vote on a funding plan. this group claims the proposed connector would cost $10 per new rider and believes improving the existing bus
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connector would be faster and less expensive. bart says numbers are totally unsubstantiated. in july, the board approved a plan to fund the $484 million project. a report questions whether noise levels on bart trains can be harm tofl hearing. this san francisco chronicled surveyed the system found levels as high as 100 which is equivalent to a jack hammer. bart admits and adds a recent study gave a tp rating among rail systems nationwide. >> there are times when the noise is loud. people are perhaps a jack hammer or something else. 85 decemberin yils. it doesn't stay for that long of a time for a long time. it will go on for hours and hours this, is pretty much, you know, 20 second stretch. >> according to the chronicle
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highest noise levels between west oakland and 24th to 16th and mission street and orinda to rockridge. quietist route from hayward to south hayward station. >> hewlett-packard is suing former ceo mark heard to stop him from taking a job at oracle. the complaint filed today incomes a day after oracle hired herd to be the co-president. hp claims herd wouldn't be able to perform out using hp trade secrets. he left amid a scandal involving a part time hp contractor ask expense reports. his severance package does not include a no kmeet compete clause but could top $40 million and includes a confidentiality agreement. >> wildlife officials banned fishing along a two and a half mile stretch of the petaluma river. the department of fish and game says a tug boat being chopped up for scrap metal but
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leaked 200 to 600 gallons of oil no. sickened wildlife turned up. and crews are still working on draining the tug of the remaining oil. >> a lot more to bring you here, coming up at 5:00 a warning from top commander in afghanistan to the florida pastor whose owe protest of the september 11th attacks could endanger u.s. troops. >> i'm spencer christian in the accu-weather forecast center. clouds, fog, drizzle and a fall-like chill are elements of the accu-weather forecast coming up. >> and the abcs of keeping kids from a life of time in the important roles preschool
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. millennium tower is responding to criticism about how it handle aid climbing stunt by so called skyscraper man yesterday nchl a statement
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saying does it not concone dan goodwin's action asks says it's security spotted goodwin almost immediately and san francisco police and fire responded within moments and took the situation under their control. the stunt tied up emergency workers. the fire department tells us they sent 20 firefighters to the tower. sfpd says it never gives out a number but sent a sizeable contingent to that scene. goodwin was cited for a misdemeanor, trespassing charge when reaching the top. >> 20 separate fires are burning against detroit, michigan. faibs say it started in a garage and spread to homes, fires being fan bid high winds, detroit says the fire department sat the limit. firefighters are exhausted from running from blaze to blaze. there are no reports of deaths or injuries. >> a florida church refusing to call off the plans to burn copies of the koran on september 11th.
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this is in spite of warnings from a top military leader it will put american soldiers in danger. pastor terry jones in gainsville says he will go head with the event saturday to protest the september 11th attacks. that event sparked rebukes from muslim nations, international protests and opposition from city officials. general david petraeus warned today images would endanger u.s. troops. >> they would use them to inflame public money and incite violence against soldiers and civilian autos it would be tragic if because of this, one person died. but at the same time, we do not feel responsible for that. >> jones left the door to change his mind saying he's still playing about the decision. >> and there is police chiefs joined with specialists today to push for greater funding
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for california preschools. the hope is that it will help prevent skrims. - -- crimes. >> one, two tone. >> preschool is an important tool in crime fighting that. is according to a new report from fight crime, invest in kids. the coalition of california law enforcement leader autos kids attending high quality early learning programs are twice as likely to not get involved in violent crimes, be arrested. >> concord police chief david livingston cited statistics from the program which tracked two groups of children from age four to 40. >> by age 40 children who did not attend prachls were seven times more likely to be arrested for possession of dangerous drugs and twice as likely to be arrested for violent crimes. >> according to the fight crime report, quality early education saved $16 for every $1 invested. some of that coming from reduced costs of future
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incarceration autos if we can take money from those programs and put night these programs as you've heard werk start to change that tide. >> the report also found preschool reduces special education placement in later years. this report concludes high quality preschool is valuable. directors say whit comes to funding from sacramento, message is much different. >> sacramento is just saying not now. we don't have enough money. >> kathy is a director of child development center in july has had to layoff a third of the staff. >> they're not funding the need for quality child care. >> it's through a preschool to grade 12 approach. providing funding to support it. >> governor schwartzeneggar dropped by a sacramento
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grocery store today to assure shoppers that the eggs are safe. last month, an outbreak led to recall of 550 million eggs, the tainted eggs produced in iowa sickened nearly 1500 people. today, the governor stressed eggs produced in california were not included in the recall and they remained safe to eat. >> this is the igs have quality assurance. this is a program that is put in place a decade ago. since then, never had a problem with our eggs in california. >> the governor says he's a big fan of eggs, early in body building career he says he ate up to 12 per day. >> they need protein. and at store you can save a lot of money at the market without sacrificing quality and taste. >> very good news. 7 on your side has a results of a consumer report taste test. >> eat well. save money. >> yes. >> that sounds good. the consumer reports taste testers say 21 store brand is big name brands like for soup
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and orange juice and peanut butter. >> out of 21 head to head match ups, store brands won outright three times, 11 times, a tie. store brands are a good bet. walmart's great value original potato chips tied with lay's classic potato chips. and target's market pantry ketchup tied with hines, but bumble bee chunk light tuna was far better according to taste testers, consumer reports finds store brands are worth a try. >> like national brands, store brand manufacturers and retailers stand behind their products f you're not satisfied bring it back for a refund. >> out of the 21 brands, two thirds of the store brands equaled or bettered brand name competition that. is important, store brands cost about a third less than
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name brands. a family spending $100 on groceries can expect to save $1500 per year using store brands. the fod ral government is warning makers of two drinks to stop making unsubstantiated claims about nutritional value of products. labels on canada dry sparkling green tea ginger ale claim it's four fort fived with antioxidants ai. letter says it does not meet federal guidelines to make claims. last month the similar warning warned lipton to stop implying it's green tea can treat or prevent high cholesterol. companies have 15 days to answer allegation autos thank you. >> sure. >> and some breaking news now. a raging wildfire in northwest boulder, colorado forcing 3500 people to evacuate. dozens of homes have been destroyed in this tinder dry
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canyon. and no injuries or deaths reported. boulder's sheriff says the fire started when a car crashed into a propane tank. >> just ferocious there. >> focusing on weather there. is cooling taking place around the bay area. >> that is the understatement of the week. temperatures have dropped more than 20 degrees in locations. since yesterday. we're going to have rain drops as well. and drizzle overnight tonight and into tomorrow. a fall-like pattern coming our way. there is a live view now. from the beach, you can see lots of clear skies there. just clouds around. and how about different view from our high definition camera at mount tam looking on to the bay. there is areas of clouds and sun now. a rather beautiful sky. there are areas of clouds. and these are temperature readings, 79 degrees in ant yochblgt mild and warm up north. santa rosa with a reading of 84 degrees and mainly 60s to
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70s around the remainder of the area. what about 24 hour change? it's so much cooler at this hour today than yesterday. virtually everywhere. concord and livermore now are 26 degrees cooler than they were at this hour yesterday. 24 degrees cooler in freem yonlt. 13 degrees cooler in san francisco and oakland. cool down we told you about yesterday is here in full force. we'll see low clouds, fog and drizzle tonight. cool weather tomorrow, and a little bit warmer weather towards end of the week. almost anything would be warmer than this. satellite radar shows fall-like storm system dropping down with a pool of very cool air that. is our maps in motion. there is animation from 7:00 this evening, showers developing to our north. dridz yil developing around the bay area mainly along the coast. other spots have -- have drizzle occurring as well away from the coast. showers should stay to the north. and... over in the high sierra, near yosemite looking for
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showers developing into tomorrow. and tomorrow night, snow developing into the high elevations up to about 8,000 feet or higher. so... fall like almost winter like weather is here. low temperatures tonight winds, drizzle, present in locations especially near the coast moving into low to mid-50s, then, tomorrow, we can expect much cooler than average conditions into the south bay. highs reaching into mid to upper 60s, 67 in santa clara and sunnyvale. 69 in campbell. we'll see mid-60s on the peninsula. 65-67 in most locations. mid to upper 50s with drizzle on the coast. in and around san francisco, 61 degrees downtown. 60s to 70s into the north bay. mild as it will get. and over into near east bay, mid 60s will be the highs. and there is upper 60s to low 70s, 60s near the bay and maybe upper 60s inland.
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here is the accu-weather forecast. warming on thursday. then, friday through next tuesday, there is inland highs into will he to mid-80s around the bay, low to mid-70s, 60 degrees on the coast. will be sustained period of rather mild, pleasant, dry weather. >> thank you. >> okay. >> and still ahead, to cast or splint? that is the question what. is the best course of treatment if your child brakes a bone? >> that is coming up. cash for appliances. 7 on your side explain yz this program aimed at saving energy has been a waste of energy for >> ...berber carpet. it was a whole bowl of stew. nooo. why? i could have saved this one. i could have saved this one. ♪ call 1-800-steemer
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man: we need a sofa. something i can stretch out on! woman: ooh... that will go with those lamps my mother gave us. or we could get some new lamps. or we could get no sofa. negotiating, eh? you got it! how about a nice home for our tv?
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how about doors to hide that drive-in theater? how about a cowhide rug? yee-haw! and the snacks? get their own place. let the marathon begin! a new analysis of california whopping cough
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shows doctors were slow to diagnose in all eight cases. an investigation by l.a. times found all had been taken to a clinic or hospital several times before doctors accurately diagnosed them. officials urging physicians to assume any infant under six months of age having trouble breathing has whooping cough. it's reaching epidemic levels in california this year, 3600 cases reported so far this year. >> and one more medical item to pass along. splints are just as effective as casts in treating wrist fractures in young kids. also more comfortable, easier to clean and cause less anxiety to children. researchers found parents and children are more satisfied with the smint. the study is in canadian medical association journal. >> coming up next, have you done a google search lately? >>
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so why are over a thousand people a day switching to chevrolet? room for eight and all sorts of space behind the third row. they just thought of everything. it just feels like a really solid car. that should come in handy. it's the chevrolet summer event and anyone can get the traverse they want.
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nah-uh... this one's mine. get 0% apr for 60 months on the 2010 traverse with an average finance savings of around fifty seven hundred. the switch begins at you inhale, they inhale.
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millions of children continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke causes asthma, a disease that cannot be cured. protect your loved ones.
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neighborhood complaints over san francisco's only gun shop. the owner tells us why he's being forced to reopen. >> and karly fiorina's effort to coax the california jewish vote. and there is how some tiniest patients have been left behind in the race for new medical technology. the stories and more coming up at 6:00. >> and right now, when you visit google's home page, it's something different. you'll be greeted by a new mystery. >> this page has bouncing balls you can chase and they form a google logo. >> those it's miss steeris why the company did it. the mountain view based company almost alls allows users to find out why it's created. >> this time, the only thing the company will say it's fast, fu


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